India time zone:
The Engaging Manager Punit Negi, Indian citizenship
China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 陳中成 總經理 in 台+中+英;專利師;企管碩士+企管博士
Mobile: +886-933920199
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Wechat id:evershiinecpa;
Line Id: evershinecpa
Skype: daleccchen
linkedin address:Dale Chen Linkedin
What are the categories of cosmetics in India? What is its official name? What is the intensity of management of different categories? What is the governmental authority of cosmetics? Website?
Evershine RD:
In India, cosmetics are regulated by the Headquarters of the Central Drug Standards Control Organization – Department of Health and Family Welfare (CDSCO). The production of cosmetics is subject to the inspection and licensing system of the state licensing agencies designated by the state governments, while the import of cosmetics is subject to the registration system of the central licensing agency designated by the central government.
Cosmetics is defined as any article intended to be used as a cosmetic ingredient, rubbed, poured, sprayed, introduced or otherwise applied to the human body or any part thereof, for the purpose of cleaning, beautifying, enhancing attractiveness or altering the appearance.
If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in India, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration? If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?
Evershine RD:
No business license is required.
Evershine RD:
外國公司要到印度銷售化妝品,可以指派印度公司擔任營業代理人銷售嗎? 擔任營業代理人,其必要條件是什麼?所需文件及申請程序為何?外國公司與營業代理人的產品責任為何?網頁?
If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in India, can it assign an India company to act as a business agent? What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures? What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?
Evershine RD:
1. 先通過網站向 CDSCO註冊:http://cdscoonline.gov.in
2. 註冊並創建登錄憑證。
3. 使用有效的電子郵件 ID 和手機號碼提交所有詳細信息並完成註冊過程。(用戶必須上傳必要的文件,如身份證明詳細信息、授權書、公司地址等信息應在註冊過程之前將這些文件準備好 PDF 格式。)
4. 註冊成功後登錄門戶。
5. 在表單提交部分,選擇部門並選擇表單類型:新申請、代理。
6. 上傳相關文件。
7. 付款。
8. 提交審查。
Yes. Cosmetic products need to be registered by a local company in India, which can be the manufacturer/authorized agent of the manufacturer/subsidiary/importer of the manufacturer or a third party as the product holder.
1. First register with CDSCO through the website: http://cdscoonline.gov.in
2. Sign up and create your login credentials.
3. Submit all details and complete the registration process using a valid email ID and mobile number. (Users have to upload the necessary documents such as identification details, power of attorney, company address, etc. These documents should be prepared in PDF format before the registration process.)
4. After successful registration, log in to the portal.
5. In the Form Submission section, select the department and select the form type: New Application, Proxy.
6. Upload the relevant files.
7. Pay.
8. Submit for review.
The product license holder shall be responsible for the safety, quality of cosmetics, and handling of adverse events, and report to the competent authority.
Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing cosmetics sold to India? If yes, which authority is in charge?
What documents are required? What is the application process? Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed? Website?
Evershine RD:
1. 先通過網站向 CDSCO註冊:http://cdscoonline.gov.in
2. 註冊並創建登錄憑證。
3. 使用有效的電子郵件 ID 和手機號碼提交所有詳細信息並完成註冊過程。(用戶必須上傳必要的文件,如身份證明詳細信息、授權書、公司地址等信息應在註冊過程之前將這些文件準備好 PDF 格式。)
4. 註冊成功後登錄門戶。
5. 在表單提交部分,選擇部門並選擇表單類型:新申請、代理。
6. 上傳相關文件。
7. 付款。
8. 提交審查。
1. 申請書
2. 製造商授權(正式認證)
3. 化妝品的化學信息
4. 承諾聲明
.聲明遵守 2020 年化妝品規則規定的化妝品進口註冊證書上的所有條件。
5. 在原產國製造化妝品的製造許可證/產品許可/營銷授權/自由銷售證明(如果有)的詳細信息以及由該國監管機構或任何其他主管當局/協會簽發的副本。
6. 產品規格和測試協議
7. 該化妝品已獲得上市許可或進口許可的國家名單。
8. 品牌、產品和製造商的信息影本
9. 其他文件(如有)如為外文,申請人應提供由合格翻譯人員提供的任何其他外語文件的英文翻譯版本。
10. 費用:支付費用的原始電子收據
11. 如果沒有在原產國製造化妝品的許可證,進口商應將在宣誓書上提供一份聲明。
12. 散裝進口到印度進行重新包裝以 100% 出口到其他國家的化妝品不需要註冊證書,但是進口商必須從 CDSCO 總部獲得必要的許可。進口商必須書面承諾這些產品不會在國內銷售。
13. 用於研發目的的化妝品進口,如包裝試驗、消費者研究、保質期研究和運輸研究,不需要註冊證書,但是進口商必須從 CDSCO 總部獲得必要的許可。進口商必須書面保證這些產品不會在國內銷售
14.許可證的有效期為 3 年。
1. 化妝品名稱。
2. 製造商名稱、製造商場所的完整地址。
.如果化妝品裝在一個非常小的容器中,化妝品是固態或半固態30 克以下,液態 60 毫升以下,不能給出製造商的地址,則製造商的名稱、主要製造地應一起標示。
3. 到期日。
4. 獨特的批號
5. 生產許可證編號,編號前加字母M或 L. No或Mfg.,
6. 容量以固體重量、液體計量或半固體重量的淨含量表示,如果內容被細分,則結合數字計數。如果包裝淨含量不超過 60 毫升的香水、花露水等或任何淨含量不超過 30 克的固體或半固體化妝品,則不需要標示。
7. 如果是化妝品;在存在危險的情況下,每個內部標籤都應清楚地標明安全使用的充分說明,消費者需要遵守的任何警告、注意或特殊說明,以及說明危險或有毒成分的名稱和數量的聲明。
8. 在印度銷售的進口化妝品,應在單位包裝標籤上註明進口註冊證號,以字母RC/RC No/Reg.證書,以及進口商的名稱和地址標示。
9. 如果化妝品包裝只有一個標籤,則該標籤應包含本規則規定的內標籤和外標籤上要求顯示的所有信息。
10.濃度超過 1% 的成分列表應按添加時重量或體積的降序排列,然後是濃度小於或等於1%的成分,並在前面加上成分字樣。對於小於或等於 60 毫升液體和 30 克固體和半固體的包裝,不需要出現此聲明。
12.在印度生產/進口並銷售的所有化妝品標籤上的規格必須用英文、 或印度地區語言註明。
1. 任何人不得更改、塗抹或污損製造商在任何化妝品容器、標籤或包裝上製作或記錄的任何銘文或標記。
2. 任何化妝品不得聲稱、聲稱或傳達任何虛假或誤導預期用戶的想法。
Cosmetic products need to be registered by a local company in India, which can be the manufacturer/authorized agent of the manufacturer/subsidiary/importer of the manufacturer or a third party as the product holder.
1. First register with CDSCO through the website: http://cdscoonline.gov.in
2. Sign up and create your login credentials.
3. Submit all details and complete the registration process using a valid email ID and mobile number. (Users have to upload the necessary documents such as identification details, power of attorney, company address, etc. These documents should be prepared in PDF format before the registration process.)
4. After successful registration, log in to the portal.
5. In the Form Submission section, select the department and select the form type: New Application, Proxy.
6. Upload the relevant files.
7. Pay.
8. Submit for review.
1. Application
. Manufacturer and manufacturing site details: name, address and phone number, fax number and e-mail address of the manufacturing site to be registered, name and address of the partner/director.
. The name and address of the authorised importer/distributor/agent in India who is responsible for the manufacturer’s business including the name and address of its partners/directors.
. A brief overview of the manufacturer’s business activities in the domestic and global markets.
. Cosmetics name and its brand name, category, pack size and variants for registration and for import into and use in India.
2. Manufacturer’s Authorization (Formal Certification)
3. Chemical information of cosmetic products
. The name of the ingredient in the standard reference nomenclature, and the percentage contained in the cosmetic.
. Cosmetic testing specifications and test methods.
. Product labeling
. Package leaflet, inserts (if any).
4. Statement of Commitment
. Declare compliance with all conditions on the Cosmetics Import Registration Certificate under the Cosmetics Rules 2020.
. Declare that every cosmetic product imported into India complies with the standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
. Non-animal testing statement.
. A statement that the licensing authority shall be notified of any changes in the labelling, composition, or testing of the registered product or its specifications, and a commitment that the product complies with the standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
. Statement to report from time to time any administrative action taken due to adverse reactions, market withdrawal/regulatory restrictions on any cosmetic product in relation to the registration certificate, or deauthorization and/or quality reporting by any regulatory authority in any country/region where the cosmetic product is sold or distributed In the event of non-compliance, the shipment and sale of cosmetic products shall be stopped and the authorities notified immediately.
. The statement will comply with further requirements made by the Government of India under the Act and Rules.
. If the licensing authority deems it necessary, the authority or anyone else authorised to take a cosmetic sample for testing will be allowed.
. Heavy metal and hexachlorophenol content declaration, test report including lead, arsenic, mercury, other heavy metal and microbiological test results (if applicable) or manufacturer’s commitment to declare all raw materials/pigments used, heavy metals (with specified limits) and The content of hexachlorophenol in the applied products meets the specified standards.
. Declare that the documents submitted above are true.
5. Details of the manufacturing license/product license/marketing authorization/certificate of free sale (if any) for the manufacture of cosmetic products in the country of origin and a copy issued by the country’s regulatory authority or any other competent authority/association.
6. Product Specifications and Testing Protocols
7. List of countries that have obtained marketing authorization or import authorization for the cosmetic product.
8. Copies of brand, product and manufacturer information
9. If other documents (if any) are in a foreign language, the applicant should provide English translations of any other foreign language documents provided by a qualified translator.
10. Fees: Original electronic receipt for payment of fees
11. If there is no licence to manufacture the cosmetic product in the country of origin, the importer shall provide a statement on the affidavit.
12. Cosmetics imported into India in bulk for repackaging for 100% export to other countries do not require a registration certificate, but importers must obtain the necessary licenses from CDSCO headquarters. Importers must undertake in writing that these products will not be sold domestically.
13. The import of cosmetic products for R&D purposes, such as packaging testing, consumer research, shelf life research and shipping research, does not require a registration certificate, but the importer must obtain the necessary licenses from CDSCO headquarters. Importers must guarantee in writing that these products will not be sold domestically
14. The validity period of the license is 3 years.
1. Cosmetics name.
2. Manufacturer’s name, full address of manufacturer’s premises.
. If the product is not manufactured in a factory owned by the manufacturer, the actual manufacturer’s name, address or country of manufacture should be indicated on the label.
. If the cosmetic is packed in a very small container, the cosmetic is solid or semi-solid under 30 grams and liquid under 60 ml, and the manufacturer’s address cannot be given, the manufacturer’s name and the main place of manufacture should be marked together.
3. Expiration Date.
4. Unique Lot Number
5. The production license number, preceded by the letters M or L. No or Mfg.,
. For imported products, if this provision is not mandatory in the country of origin, such cosmetics may be permitted without a production license number, subject to other import regulations.
6. Volumes are expressed as net content by solid weight, liquid measure or semi-solid weight, combined with digital counts if the content is subdivided. No labelling is required if the packaging does not exceed 60ml net content of perfume, toilet water, etc. or any solid or semi-solid cosmetic product with a net content of not more than 30g.
7. In the case of cosmetics; in the event of a hazard, each internal label should clearly identify adequate instructions for safe use, any warnings, cautions or special instructions that consumers need to follow, and a description of the name and name of the hazardous or toxic ingredient. Quantity statement.
8. Imported cosmetics sold in India should be marked with the import registration certificate number on the unit package label, with the letters RC/RC No/Reg. certificate, and the name and address of the importer.
9. If the cosmetic packaging has only one label, the label shall contain all the information required to be displayed on the inner and outer labels as specified in this rule.
10. The list of ingredients with a concentration of more than 1% shall be listed in descending order of weight or volume at the time of addition, followed by the ingredients with a concentration of less than or equal to 1%, preceded by the word ingredient. This declaration is not required for packages of less than or equal to 60ml of liquid and 30g of solid and semi-solid.
11. The label of imported cosmetic products should indicate the registration number of the product and the name and address of the holder of the registration certificate for sale in India. If India specific labelling is required for imported cosmetic products, the same label should be allowed to be affixed to the unit package in bonded warehouse.
12. The specifications on the labels of all cosmetic products manufactured/imported and sold in India must be stated in English, or in Indian regional languages.
1. No person shall alter, apply or deface any inscription or marking made or recorded by the manufacturer on any cosmetic container, label or packaging.
2. No cosmetic product shall claim, purport to or communicate any idea that is false or misleading to the intended user.
Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed?? Website?
Evershine RD:
1. 先通過網站向 CDSCO註冊:http://cdscoonline.gov.in
2. 註冊並創建登錄憑證。
3. 使用有效的電子郵件 ID 和手機號碼提交所有詳細信息並完成註冊過程。(用戶必須上傳必要的文件,如身份證明詳細信息、授權書、公司地址等信息應在註冊過程之前將這些文件準備好 PDF 格式。)
4. 註冊成功後登錄門戶。
5. 在表單提交部分,選擇部門並選擇表單類型:新申請、代理。
6. 上傳相關文件。
7. 付款。
8. 提交審查。
1. 申請書
2. 製造商授權(正式認證)
3. 化妝品的化學信息
4. 承諾聲明
.聲明遵守 2020 年化妝品規則規定的化妝品進口註冊證書上的所有條件。
5. 在原產國製造化妝品的製造許可證/產品許可/營銷授權/自由銷售證明(如果有)的詳細信息以及由該國監管機構或任何其他主管當局/協會簽發的副本。
6. 產品規格和測試協議
7. 該化妝品已獲得上市許可或進口許可的國家名單。
8. 品牌、產品和製造商的信息影本
9. 其他文件(如有)如為外文,申請人應提供由合格翻譯人員提供的任何其他外語文件的英文翻譯版本。
10. 費用:支付費用的原始電子收據
11. 如果沒有在原產國製造化妝品的許可證,進口商應將在宣誓書上提供一份聲明。
12. 散裝進口到印度進行重新包裝以 100% 出口到其他國家的化妝品不需要註冊證書,但是進口商必須從 CDSCO 總部獲得必要的許可。進口商必須書面承諾這些產品不會在國內銷售。
13. 用於研發目的的化妝品進口,如包裝試驗、消費者研究、保質期研究和運輸研究,不需要註冊證書,但是進口商必須從 CDSCO 總部獲得必要的許可。進口商必須書面保證這些產品不會在國內銷售。
14.許可證的有效期為 3 年。
1. 化妝品名稱。
2. 製造商名稱、製造商場所的完整地址。
.如果化妝品裝在一個非常小的容器中,化妝品是固態或半固態30 克以下,液態 60 毫升以下,不能給出製造商的地址,則製造商的名稱、主要製造地應一起標示。
3. 到期日。
4. 獨特的批號
5. 生產許可證編號,編號前加字母M或 L. No或Mfg.,
6. 容量以固體重量、液體計量或半固體重量的淨含量表示,如果內容被細分,則結合數字計數。如果包裝淨含量不超過 60 毫升的香水、花露水等或任何淨含量不超過 30 克的固體或半固體化妝品,則不需要標示。
7. 如果是化妝品;在存在危險的情況下,每個內部標籤都應清楚地標明安全使用的充分說明,消費者需要遵守的任何警告、注意或特殊說明,以及說明危險或有毒成分的名稱和數量的聲明。
8. 在印度銷售的進口化妝品,應在單位包裝標籤上註明進口註冊證號,以字母RC/RC No/Reg.證書,以及進口商的名稱和地址標示。
9. 如果化妝品包裝只有一個標籤,則該標籤應包含本規則規定的內標籤和外標籤上要求顯示的所有信息。
10.濃度超過 1% 的成分列表應按添加時重量或體積的降序排列,然後是濃度小於或等於1%的成分,並在前面加上成分字樣。對於小於或等於 60 毫升液體和 30 克固體和半固體的包裝,不需要出現此聲明。
12.在印度生產/進口並銷售的所有化妝品標籤上的規格必須用英文、 或印度地區語言註明。
1. 任何人不得更改、塗抹或污損製造商在任何化妝品容器、標籤或包裝上製作或記錄的任何銘文或標記。
2. 任何化妝品不得聲稱、聲稱或傳達任何虛假或誤導預期用戶的想法。
Cosmetic products need to be registered by a local company in India, which can be the manufacturer/authorized agent of the manufacturer/subsidiary/importer of the manufacturer or a third party as the product holder.
way to register
1. First register with CDSCO through the website: http://cdscoonline.gov.in
2. Sign up and create your login credentials.
3. Submit all details and complete the registration process using a valid email ID and mobile number. (Users have to upload the necessary documents such as identification details, power of attorney, company address, etc. These documents should be prepared in PDF format before the registration process.)
4. After successful registration, log in to the portal.
5. In the Form Submission section, select the department and select the form type: New Application, Proxy.
6. Upload the relevant files.
7. Pay.
8. Submit for review.
1. Application
. Manufacturer and manufacturing site details: name, address and phone number, fax number and e-mail address of the manufacturing site to be registered, name and address of the partner/director.
. The name and address of the authorised importer/distributor/agent in India who is responsible for the manufacturer’s business including the name and address of its partners/directors.
. A brief overview of the manufacturer’s business activities in the domestic and global markets.
. Cosmetics name and its brand name, category, pack size and variants for registration and for import into and use in India.
2. Manufacturer’s Authorization (Formal Certification)
3. Chemical information of cosmetic products
. The name of the ingredient in the standard reference nomenclature, and the percentage contained in the cosmetic.
. Cosmetic testing specifications and test methods.
. Product labeling
. Package leaflet, inserts (if any).
4. Statement of Commitment
. Declare compliance with all conditions on the Cosmetics Import Registration Certificate under the Cosmetics Rules 2020.
. Declare that every cosmetic product imported into India complies with the standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
. Non-animal testing statement.
. A statement that the licensing authority shall be notified of any changes in the labelling, composition, or testing of the registered product or its specifications, and a commitment that the product complies with the standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
. Statement to report from time to time any administrative action taken due to adverse reactions, market withdrawal/regulatory restrictions on any cosmetic product in relation to the registration certificate, or deauthorization and/or quality reporting by any regulatory authority in any country/region where the cosmetic product is sold or distributed In the event of non-compliance, the shipment and sale of cosmetic products shall be stopped and the authorities notified immediately.
. The statement will comply with further requirements made by the Government of India under the Act and Rules.
. If the licensing authority deems it necessary, the authority or anyone else authorised to take a cosmetic sample for testing will be allowed.
. Heavy metal and hexachlorophenol content declaration, test report including lead, arsenic, mercury, other heavy metal and microbiological test results (if applicable) or manufacturer’s commitment to declare all raw materials/pigments used, heavy metals (with specified limits) and The content of hexachlorophenol in the applied products meets the specified standards.
. Declare that the documents submitted above are true.
5. Details of the manufacturing license/product license/marketing authorization/certificate of free sale (if any) for the manufacture of cosmetic products in the country of origin and a copy issued by the country’s regulatory authority or any other competent authority/association.
6. Product Specifications and Testing Protocols
7. List of countries that have obtained marketing authorization or import authorization for the cosmetic product.
8. Copies of brand, product and manufacturer information
9. If other documents (if any) are in a foreign language, the applicant should provide English translations of any other foreign language documents provided by a qualified translator.
10. Fees: Original electronic receipt for payment of fees
11. If there is no licence to manufacture the cosmetic product in the country of origin, the importer shall provide a statement on the affidavit.
12. Cosmetics imported into India in bulk for repackaging for 100% export to other countries do not require a registration certificate, but importers must obtain the necessary licenses from CDSCO headquarters. Importers must undertake in writing that these products will not be sold domestically.
13. The import of cosmetic products for R&D purposes, such as packaging testing, consumer research, shelf life research and shipping research, does not require a registration certificate, but the importer must obtain the necessary licenses from CDSCO headquarters. Importers must guarantee in writing that these products will not be sold domestically
14. The validity period of the license is 3 years.
1. Cosmetics name.
2. Manufacturer’s name, full address of manufacturer’s premises.
. If the product is not manufactured in a factory owned by the manufacturer, the actual manufacturer’s name, address or country of manufacture should be indicated on the label.
. If the cosmetic is packed in a very small container, the cosmetic is solid or semi-solid under 30 grams and liquid under 60 ml, and the manufacturer’s address cannot be given, the manufacturer’s name and the main place of manufacture should be marked together.
3. Expiration Date.
4. Unique Lot Number
5. The production license number, preceded by the letters M or L. No or Mfg.,
. For imported products, if this provision is not mandatory in the country of origin, such cosmetics may be permitted without a production license number, subject to other import regulations.
6. Volumes are expressed as net content by solid weight, liquid measure or semi-solid weight, combined with digital counts if the content is subdivided. No labelling is required if the packaging does not exceed 60ml net content of perfume, toilet water, etc. or any solid or semi-solid cosmetic product with a net content of not more than 30g.
7. In the case of cosmetics; in the event of a hazard, each internal label should clearly identify adequate instructions for safe use, any warnings, cautions or special instructions that consumers need to follow, and a description of the name and name of the hazardous or toxic ingredient. Quantity statement.
8. Imported cosmetics sold in India should be marked with the import registration certificate number on the unit package label, with the letters RC/RC No/Reg. certificate, and the name and address of the importer.
9. If the cosmetic packaging has only one label, the label shall contain all the information required to be displayed on the inner and outer labels as specified in this rule.
10. The list of ingredients with a concentration of more than 1% shall be listed in descending order of weight or volume at the time of addition, followed by the ingredients with a concentration of less than or equal to 1%, preceded by the word ingredient. This declaration is not required for packages of less than or equal to 60ml of liquid and 30g of solid and semi-solid.
11. The label of imported cosmetic products should indicate the registration number of the product and the name and address of the holder of the registration certificate for sale in India. If India specific labelling is required for imported cosmetic products, the same label should be allowed to be affixed to the unit package in bonded warehouse.
12. The specifications on the labels of all cosmetic products manufactured/imported and sold in India must be stated in English, or in Indian regional languages.
1. No person shall alter, apply or deface any inscription or marking made or recorded by the manufacturer on any cosmetic container, label or packaging.
2. No cosmetic product shall claim, purport to or communicate any idea that is false or misleading to the intended user.
What documents are required when importing approved cosmetics into India? What is the procedure? Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?
Evershine RD:
進出口代碼 (IEC)
進度進口化妝品的先決條件,需具備進出口代碼 (IEC)才得以在印度進行商業的進口、出口。IEC 編號是對外貿易總幹事頒發給印度公司的10位數代碼。每個從事進出口業務的個人或實體都必須獲得 IEC。 它具有終身有效期,大約需要 15 天才能簽發。
.獲得 IEC 的公司的性質可以是以下任何一種:獨資企業、合夥企業、有限責任合夥企業、有限公司、信託、HU”。引入 GST 後,IEC 編號與公司的 PAN 相同。IEC 將由 DGFT 單獨發布。
1.於印度海關電子網關 (ICEGATE)註冊會員
印度海關電子網關 (ICEGATE) 是印度海關中央間接稅和海關委員會 (CBIC) 的國家門戶,以電子方式向貿易、貨運承運人和其他貿易夥伴提供電子申報服務。網頁:https://www.icegate.gov.in/index.html
2. 進口申報
.收方公司IEC Code
Customs declarations are required.
Import/Export Code (IEC)
A prerequisite for importing cosmetic products, an Import and Export Code (IEC) is required to be able to import and export commercially in India. The IEC number is a 10-digit code issued to Indian companies by the Director General of Foreign Trade. Every person or entity engaged in importing or exporting business must obtain IEC. It has a lifetime validity and takes about 15 days to issue.
1. Web registration: https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP/
.The nature of the company that obtains the IEC can be any of the following: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP, Limited Company, Trust, HU”. With the introduction of GST, the IEC number will be the same as the company’s PAN. The IEC will be issued separately by the DGFT.
2. Sign the statement.
3. Pay the IEC fee.
4. Issue the IEC code.
Customs procedure
1. Register as a member in India Customs Electronic Gateway (ICEGATE)The Indian Customs Electronic Gateway (ICEGATE) is the national gateway to the Central Indirect Tax and Customs Board (CBIC) of Customs of India, providing electronic declaration services to trades, freight carriers and other trading partners electronically.
URL: https://www.icegate.gov.in/index.html
. Applicant
. Company Name
. Address
. City
. Password
. Telephone, fax number, e-mail
. Category: Importer/Exporter etc.
. Customs clearance location
2. Import declaration
. Contents, place of origin, place of receipt
. Details of cargo, cargo registration
. Commercial invoice
. Contract
. B/L
. Component analysis report (translation document required)
. Label sample (translation file required)
. Wood packaging fumigation certificate (wooden packaging needs to be provided)
. Filling date
. Cosmetic Product License
. Receiving company IEC Code
. Photocopy of the consignee’s personal certificate (PAN: Permanent Account Number/TAN: Tax and Tax Reduction Account Number/ID Card/Passport)
3. Payment via electronic cash ledger and electronic tax credit sorting.
印度化妝品審核機構,需要附上的實驗室檢驗資料有哪些? 網頁?
What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?
Evershine RD:
印度標準局 (BIS)規範化妝品需要進行實驗室檢驗,符合進口化妝品註冊的標準,包含:
9. 細菌需氧菌落數、真菌好氧平板計數
10. 防腐劑測試
11. 非動物安全/毒性測試
12. 定制測試等
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) regulates that cosmetics need to undergo laboratory testing and meet the standards for imported cosmetics registration, including:
1. Chemical analysis of raw materials and active components
2. Safety testing to evaluate heavy metal content in cosmetics, banned pigments and chemicals
3. Microbiological quality inspection to ensure no microbial counts and pathogens
4. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of active ingredients
5. Physical test, including parameters such as viscosity, spreading ability, scratch test, and pay-off test
6. Estimate SPF
7. Skin irritation and sensitivity studies
8. Stability test, shelf life determination, etc.
9. Bacterial aerobic counts, fungal aerobic plate counts
10. Preservative testing
11. Non-animal safety/toxicity testing
12. Customized tests, etc.
After a foreign subsidiary imports cosmetics and entrusts a distributor in India to sell it, does the distributor need a cosmetics business license? What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?
Evershine RD:
No business license is required. The product license holder shall be responsible for the safety, quality of cosmetics, and handling of adverse events, and report to the competent authority.
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